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Left-Brain Creativity
Starts Long Before the Creative Team Does

hemispheres of a brain riding a tandem bicycle

Left-brain creativity is an incredibly concise way to describe an incredibly in-depth process. It starts—like so many of the best solutions—with a lot of questions. We ask them of you. We ask your audience. We ask ourselves if we can think of any more questions. We look at both sides of the same coin (e.g. the problem you think you’re solving for your customers versus the problem they want you to solve). In other words, we want you to contribute to the creative process, too. So get ready.

Now that we have all these answers and observations and insights, our strategists study them. Draw connections. Look at them through the lens of your goals. Always searching for the nugget that can truly differentiate your message, and then crystallizing it all into a plan of attack.

As a fulcrum of that plan, our media team blends traditional planning and buying with digital specialties to constantly explore new ways to pinpoint audiences and maximize tactics. Are TV and online video the right outlets for your audience and budget? Is social smarter? Maybe online display complemented by both terrestrial and streaming radio that all drives to a landing page? (Again, more questions lead to better answers.)

Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Abraham Lincoln

It’s at this point in the creative process that the creative department fully gets into the mix. And while our favorite Lincoln quote is about cutting something down, what we’re really doing is building something more powerful than the tree ever was. Something compelling. Something to help you blow your goals out of the water.

Oh, and did we mention that despite our best efforts, there’s always room to improve? That relying on 20/20 hindsight gives us even better foresight? Enter: the analytics team. We track results and analyze data to learn what worked, what could’ve worked better, why, and how to improve on it the next time.

You’ll notice that this particular step in the Left-Brain Creativity process, seemingly the last, is geared toward being even smarter for the next round. That’s because the end of every project is really the beginning of the next one.

The unified consciousness of the left and right hemispheres adds up to more than the individual properties of the separate hemispheres.
Roger Wolcott Sperry
Spherical schematics Circular schematics

Questions? Call us at 1-317-972-1234 or email us at .