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Over the River and Through an Amp

In the initial concepting for Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari’s 2024 promotional campaign, one thing quickly became evident: this assignment was going to have a few extra twists and turns …and not just because it would be centered on the parks’ new roller coaster. Or, at least, not only because of that.

Frequently, when you’re promoting a new ride—especially a coaster—you tend to focus on the thrilling aspects of it, as we did when Holiday World launched their white-knuckler Thunderbird, a thrill ride’s thrill ride, with a launched start (0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds), a winged coaster where riders’ feet dangled in space, and a number of loops and corkscrews. Marketing a ride like Thunderbird, while not a total layup, is certainly a campaign where the ride does most of the heavy lifting. In 2024, however, the new roller coaster was not intended as a thrill ride. Rather, it was designed to fill a specific niche in the park as a family coaster. No loops, no speeds over 38 miles per hour.

Good Gravy! takes families for a ride at Grandma Gracie’s house on Thanksgiving where they find out she’s run out of gravy. While waiting in line, coaster riders can take a walk through her house. They’ll even spot sheet music for “Over the River and Through the Woods” on Grandma Gracie’s piano. 

With a height requirement of only 38", Good Gravy! allows children to ride years earlier than other coasters in the park. Giant, themed sculptures add to the fun. We thought a song would be an effective way to appeal to kids and families. We researched famous Thanksgiving songs to play up both the holiday aspect of the ride and the park. It turns out “Over the River and Through the Woods” is one of a few famous Thanksgiving songs out there. But we didn’t want to just reproduce the song with a few catchy, ride-related lyrics. We wanted a full-on reimagining—one that would appeal to the age group Good Gravy! was made for, so we went for a pop-punk composition in the style of Green Day and Blink-182. 

With the client on board, we got to work casting talent for recording the song. Our friends at Earshot Audio Post connected us with Carmel, Indiana’s School of Rock, where we were then connected to our vocal talent for the track. The final version of the song can be heard in the Good Gravy! TV spots. Take a listen below! 


  • Services
  • Strategic Planning
  • Creative Strategy
  • Project Management
  • Budgeting
  • Ad Campaign Concept & Development
  • Online Display / Banner Ads
  • Transit
  • Integrated Media Planning
  • Traditional & Digital Media Placement
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  • Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
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