Elements Financial is not your average financial institution. They take great care to provide detailed, easy-to-understand financial wellness education for members. So when promoting deposit products for their 2024 media campaigns, they wanted to empower current and prospective members by giving them the knowledge they’d need to choose the best deposit product for themselves. With so many deposit options available, from both Elements and other financial institutions, we were challenged to find a way to advertise these products, including ones with low awareness in the market, in a way that both stood out and educated members.
We’d seen great outcomes for other clients with quizzes and knew using one for this campaign would help Elements see real results. The quiz serves as an educational tool, teaching people about the different types of deposit accounts Elements offers and which ones may be best for them based on their individual needs and financial goals.

Drawing Attention while Educating
Elements wanted to add a new deposit product to the mix for their 2024 campaigns. The challenge? Google Trends showed that certificates weren’t a popular product and had lower search volume compared to other financial products. So when Elements decided to start drawing more attention to this particular product, we knew they would also need to educate their audience due to the low awareness people have about certificates in general.
In addition to low awareness, Elements needed to overcome a competitive market with low demand in which people didn’t have as many funds to invest in opening deposit accounts. So, we needed to find a way to reach people that was unique to Elements and could cut through the noise. Knowing that quizzes have worked well for several other clients, including Visit Hendricks County and Jayco, we crafted a quiz that would be both educational and entertaining for Elements’ target audience. Quizzes can also create great opportunities for retargeting those who initially express interest by engaging with them.
Since the quiz launched, it has helped put certificates on the map for hundreds of people who wouldn’t have otherwise considered them. Of all quiz completions, 45% of people who’ve taken the quiz have landed on the certificate result page, which, at 32%, has the highest click-to-learn more rate of all products.
This campaign has also seen 84,000+ clicks on its ads, over 2,000 quiz completions, and over 800 people clicking to learn more about their results after the quiz. The quiz campaign had a higher CTR than other deposit campaigns, which means these ads are driving more people to view deposit products than any other campaign. This ultimately confirms that quizzes can be a great way to generate interest in a product that has historically not been on an audience’s mind.