As an Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) initiative, My Healthy Baby provides expectant moms with free, one-on-one support and resources in their community during pregnancy and after their baby is born. The organization is dedicated to helping Indiana moms have successful pregnancies, boosting infant and maternal outcomes in the state and giving children a healthy start in life.
For three years, Williams Randall Advertising has helped Hoosier moms learn about My Healthy Baby and connect them to the program, running point on strategy and on the creation of brand identity, photography and video, a landing page, online advertising, outdoor signage, testimonial videos, an email drip campaign, and more. My Healthy Baby services are important to the lives of Indiana moms and babies, so reaching the communities that could most benefit is critical.
My Healthy Baby works with women across racial identities and income levels, but their services are especially important for women of color and those in low-income households who may face higher rates of infant and maternal mortality or have less access to pregnancy support and resources. According to the IDOH, the infant mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black infants in Indiana is 13.2 deaths per 1,000 live births. This is double the overall state average of 6.6. The maternal mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black women is 208.4 deaths per 100,000 live births.
With the infant and maternal mortality rates being so high for Black women and babies, it was imperative that My Healthy Baby find a way to reach Black women of childbearing age and their support systems. Last summer, Williams Randall built a strategically integrated marketing campaign around Indiana Black Expo’s (IBE) Summer Celebration to foster connection with this key audience. For over 50 summers, the event has celebrated Black culture in the Hoosier state.

Building Connections
Pregnancy is personal, so we’ve designed our campaigns for My Healthy Baby with the goal of reaching people in a way that feels warm and inviting. This also reflects the program mission to personalize home visiting services for each mom. Williams Randall learned in focus groups that building trust in the government-run program is key to building awareness in the same way it is for the providers as they connect with each mother. Every touchpoint associated with the program is designed to convey that each mom deserves to have a healthy pregnancy with a supportive provider at her side.
Event marketing is one way we’ve stoked the personal connection between My Healthy Baby and Indiana women. During Summer Celebration, My Healthy Baby representatives were available to share information, answer questions and hand out promotional gifts. My Healthy Baby had a presence at a standalone booth and at the IDOH booth during the Black & Minority Health Fair, an IDOH event that occurs during Summer Celebration. Participants received pens, pacifier clips, onesies, and magnet frames—all branded to boost awareness of My Healthy Baby’s services. We also created reusable, custom signage that helped further cement the brands' association in attendees' minds, fostering trust and familiarity.
The Results
Following the event, Summer Celebration guests in Indianapolis were touched via digital ads. Through its IBE sponsorship, My Healthy Baby ran emails and social media posts on Indiana Black Expo platforms, which see a following of 25,000 subscribers encompassing civic, educational and community leaders, donors, exhibitors, event attendees, third-party vendors and more. Throughout its time as a Williams Randall client, My Healthy Baby has seen 3.7 million video views, 4,820 women signed up to be contacted by the MOMs helpline, and lots of babies and parents getting the support they need.