Holiday World's Season Pass: The Perfect Gift

Every client wants advertising that jumps off the page at the reader. While most of them mean figuratively, we came up with a direct mail idea for Holiday World & Splashin' Safari that did so literally.
The envelope arrived in mailboxes during the heart of holiday shopping season. Knowing people were looking for the perfect gift—and that a Holiday World season pass was just that—we wrote instructions on the outside of the mailer for giving said perfect gift. When people followed the directions to pull the envelope’s tear strip, a flattened box rigged with rubber bands sprang from inside to instantly become a small gift box printed to look like it was wrapped in Holiday World wrapping paper.
The gift box, fully expanded and ready to go under the tree.
The complete mailer as people would see it after opening.
The gift box, fully expanded and ready to go under the tree.
The complete mailer as people would see it after opening.
Presto. It was a fun, readymade way for parents to tell their kids a season pass was waiting for them. And an impossible-to-ignore message at a time of year when that’s almost impossible to accomplish.
Speaking of impossible to accomplish, the client even got requests from recipients who wanted more mailers so they could put multiple “gifts” under the tree for their kids. When was the last time you did advertising that the audience actually asked for more of?