INDIANAPOLIS—Our 40th anniversary open house was a chance to make new friends and get reacquainted with old ones. We showed off our new space and some of our staff’s amazing culinary talents. Clients, partners, alumni and plus-ones all shared stories and came dangerously close to roasting our founder, Charlie Williams. And we captured it all with lots of great pictures.
CEO, Gerry Randall, makes a toast before the guests arrive.
A little taste of the open house. Special thanks to our "Executive Chef" Lori Wulf and our "Pastry Chef" Allison Gearries.
Our signature cocktail, a Twisted Arnold Palmer.
Founder, Charlie Williams, talks to AAA Hoosier Motor Club CEO, Kirk Hendrix.
Don't ask. Just try one.
Getting ready for the guests to arrive.
Who cares if the glass is half empty or half full? Just get me another one of these signature cocktails.
Gerry shares a few words.
Charlie reacts to his tribute. Or as we call it, his "tie-bute."
A well deserved round of applause for Charlie.
Open house guests enjoying our Wall of Fame.
Founders meeting: Charlie talks to the founders and owners of Earshot Audio Post, Brice Bowman (left) and Rick Such (center).
The photo booth was a hit.
Charlie and Gerry pose with our tribute to Charlie.
It was great to see so many of the old gang back together.
Gerry sharing stories.
Gail Hayes: SUPERSTAR!
The party in full swing in our newly decorated lobby.
Associate Media Director, Tammy Mantor, inspecting a Twisted Arnold Palmer (it passed).
Gerry Randall and Kirk Hendrix share a moment.
Be our guests.
Our two favorite Julias: Thorpe and Roberts.
Emma and Lexa enjoying the fruits of a lot of party-planning labor.
Even Charlie's daughter, Paige, and her fiancé, Dave, made the party all the way from Colorado.
Charlie sharing some of his 40 years of Williams Randall wisdom.
Gerry enjoying the guests.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Williams Randall creative department.
You'd never know it from how well they work together, but it turns out there are both a "me" AND an "I" in Media Team.
Gerry, Gail and Charlie: The Three Amigos (and our longest tenured employees).
Caprese salad, 40th anniversary style.
The artist who painted our tribute to Charlie, Kyle Ragsdale.