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Williams Randall Proudly Adds More Industry Certifications

INDIANAPOLIS—At Williams Randall Advertising, we firmly believe we work with our clients as partners rather than vendors, and we do more than pay lip service to that notion. We actively seek out opportunities to partner with industry experts so we can glean, evaluate and implement their expertise to provide even greater value. Which is exactly what we’re doing with Facebook, Microsoft and TikTok to supplement our well-established relationship with Google as a Premier Partner.

We recently became a Facebook Marketing Partner by, among other things, hitting the platform’s highest standards of performance, giving us access to features like Betatyping so we can test creative. Facebook also shares its best practices, narratives and success stories for different industry verticals with us as part of this partnership. There are even new COVID-19 resources like an Instagram Playbook, which offers guidance on effective use of Stories during the pandemic and how to adapt our measurement strategy. Comprehensively, it helps us better pinpoint target audiences and make smarter decisions about the ads we run on Facebook’s platforms than agencies without this certification.

Being a Microsoft Advertising Partner allows us to develop a relationship with Microsoft Advertising that’s reserved for the most qualified agencies, channel partners and technology partners in our industry. It gives us opportunities to nurture and grow our (and our clients’) intelligent search and digital business, as well as an inside track to the Microsoft community and technical experts.

And as we’ve mentioned in a previous news story, we were among the select few agencies granted early admittance by TikTok to its ad platform when it started allowing advertising of any kind. Again positioning Williams Randall ahead of the curve.

All this was in addition to our long-standing status as one of only two Premier Google Partners in Indianapolis.

It all adds up to a depth of insider industry knowledge and an ability to identify trends, data and information that other agencies simply don’t have.

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