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Making the Most of Media’s Emerging Technologies

A Look at What’s New in Media 

Our media team keeps a keen eye on emerging technologies, discovering new ways to be even more effective on behalf of our clients. Read on for some interesting topics and media trends that could benefit your future campaigns.

Google Ad Search Position 

Did you know that ads show up on all pages of Google search results, and not only the first page? There are 10 organic positions in the first Search Engine results page in Google, and typically two to three ads are served at the top and two to three at the bottom of the page, but even the deepest search-result divers have an opportunity to be influenced by search advertising. FYI – our skilled digital media team consistently keeps our clients’ ads in the top three positions, providing the best visibility!

Google Responsive Ad Options

Responsive search and display ads are a more recent Google advancement we are excited to be putting to work for our clients. Just like a responsive website, a responsive display ad will adjust itself to fit into the space available on the website where it is being shown. We can combine the efforts of the standard-sized display ads with the opportunity to also have presence with the various other ad sizes that aren’t as common.  By equipping Google with a selection of images and a choice of headlines and body text for our clients’ ads, responsive ads are generated. Since we have started to incorporate responsive display ads, we have seen some display click-thru rates double when included as part of a campaign.

A responsive display ad — like these for Holiday World — adjusts itself to fit into the space available where it is being shown. 

Social Media Updates 

In other news, Snapchat has rolled out non-skippable and extended play ads in beta form, so look for those options coming to an ad campaign near you. These options expand available formats for video advertising on Snapchat.

If you love TikTok, don’t worry, as it seems the app has been saved in the United States by a pending partnership with Oracle and Walmart. When TikTok was first released it was very popular with the teenagers (we’re sure your kids can attest), but since the start of the pandemic, there has been a huge rise in adult visitors to TikTok. Adult users increased 24.3% from February to March 2020 alone! The advertising platform is somewhat limited at this time, but they are rapidly working on adding more robust targeting options for advertisers.

If you are ever wondering how social media platforms rank in popularity, we have the answer for you based on active users as of July 2020.

Facebook remains in the lead in the race for active users.

Podcast Growth

Among Americans who listen to podcasts at least weekly, the average amount of time spent per week listening grew in 2020 to 6 hours, 39 minutes. On average podcast fans listen to 6 podcasts per week. Our audio streaming schedules include podcast advertising for our clients so we are reaching those listeners at that time based on their listening habits, location, demographic information, and more.

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