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Williams Randall Welcomes Influx of New Talent in 2022

In 2022, businesses that had langored in the uneasy holding pattern of a global pandemic for two years were ready to get back in the game. That was great news for our agency, but our COVID-sized staff needed to grow fast in order to meet the demands of the sudden upturn. Thus began The Great Williams Randall Staff-Up of ‘22. The resulting first- and second-quarter hires have been reported previously (and are listed at bottom); here are the two most recent additions to WR’s swelling ranks:

Nadia Cazares - Account Coordinator
Some people just have a little more bandwidth. Meeting one presents a choice: be bummed and jealous, or hire them and put that bandwidth to work for you. In Nadia’s case, Williams Randall chose the latter, and we still haven’t stopped patting ourselves on the back. The Carmel native earned her BA in Marketing from Butler in three years and plays the violin, guitar and piano. Nadia says she enjoys seeing how the different teams at an agency work together to earn successes. That’s good, because now she’s one of the talented folks coordinating those teams.

Christina Andrews - Analytics Specialist
If someone with a Theater degree told you they liked working behind the scenes, you might figure them for a director or a set designer. If they were Christina Andrews (B.A., Theater, College of Charleston ‘17), you’d be wrong. As an Analytics Specialist, the scenes Christina works behind are digital, combing through online statistics for insights to craft winning digital strategies for our clients. The South Carolina native’s philosophy on big decisions? “Flip a coin. If you're disappointed by the result, you know the answer.” We’re glad it came up Heads (or a disappointing Tails) when Christina was mulling WR’s job offer.

Previously reported 2022 WR hires that certainly merit a curtain call include Digital Media Buyer Sammy Matis, Account Supervisor Lizzy Miley and Media Buyer Annalise Snyder. And it would be a sin to gloss over the Hired-At-The-End-Of-2021-But-Technically-Part-Of-This-Hiring-Wave Allstars: Media Buyer Ireland Wetnight, Account Supervisor Ann Smith and Senior Writer Mike Wiltrout.

Eight new hires in a 12-month span …surely we’re done, right? Wrong: watch this space for at least three more additions before year’s end to this aggressively augmenting aggregate of advertising aptitude known to the world as Williams Randall!

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